
Monday, March 24, 2014

Extra Credit Assignment- Intermediate and Advanced, due Tuesday (3/25) by 5PM

Extra Credit Assignment


Due TOMORROW (Tuesday, March 25th) by 5pm

(because I have to finish calculating grades Tuesday night)


Listen to at least 3 of your classmates’ podcasts that are uploaded on, and leave a comment for each podcast you listen to.

Then email me ( to tell me which 3 podcasts you commented on.


Please follow these guidelines in your comments:


1.       Respond specifically to the content of the podcast.

For example, you could…

a.       Comment on something you learned in the podcast

b.      Ask a question about something you heard in the podcast, or something related to it

c.       Share some of your own information that’s related to the podcast topic

d.      Don’t just say “I like your podcast.” That doesn’t show that you listened to it thoughtfully J


2.       Sign your name at the end of your comment.

a.       Because we are all sharing my podomatic account, it will not automatically show your name.

b.      So, when you’ve finished typing your comment, you should add your first name at the bottom, for example “-Hannah”

c.       If you realize you forgot to add your name, then just copy and paste your old comment into a new comment and include your name there.


3.       I think this goes without saying, but you should always be respectful and encouraging in your comments.

a.       Your classmates put a lot of work into these projects, and recording your own voice can be a little scary.

b.      So, stay positive in your responses!

c.        For example, if you disagree with something in your classmate’s podcast, express your disagreement respectfully and helpfully, or choose a different podcast to comment on J


Description: Pcast25

Description: Pcast25

Description: Pcast25

Description: Pcast25

Go to

2. LOGIN with email password: eslacademy

3. On the right side of the screen, there is a list of student names. Click “more…”

4. Click “more…” a few times, until you see the full list.

5. Click on the name of the podcast you want to listen to.

6. Listen to the podcast, then enter your comment (and your name) in the box below it.

7. Click ‘post.’

8. Email me, telling me which 3 podcasts you commented on!


Remember to email me by 5pm tomorrow (Tuesday March 25th).  I will reply when I receive your email, so if you do not receive a reply by Wednesday, try resending your email.

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